Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fall in Alaska

Fall has arrived in Alaska. The temperature is dropping and the leaves are changing colors fast. The sun is also rising at 9:45 and setting around 7:20! The darkness is coming. Here are a few pictures from Napakiak...

There was a bad storm a few weeks ago when people thought it might flood close to the school. Luckily everything was fine. Here are two pictures from the storm. I walked down to the river and it was definitely rougher than normal. A man was bucketing water out of his boat and the wind was horrible!
Here are a few sunset pictures from Napakiak.

I was in Anchorage two weeks ago for an appointment and I had some down time. I went out to eat, went shopping, and watched television. Things I can't do in Napakiak.
I rented a car and drove some of the Seward Highway. It's an amazing drive. The mountains are surrounding you at one point and it seems surreal. Here are some pictures...
I also visited the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Girdwood, Alaska. I visited the gift shop and walked around to see all of the animals. They had moose, black bears, brown bears, elk, muskox, bald eagles, and porcupines. 
 Below are muskox!
Anchorage was great and I was sad to leave. However, I feel like I'm never in Napakiak anymore! I went home for the big wedding in August for 4 days, took 3 days for an appointment, and I've been traveling with sports team and taking students to conferences. Busy, busy busy! This past weekend I took two high school student council students to a conference in Bethel. We got to look at data from our school and talk about things we want to improve. We also got to eat at a restaurant and go to the movies. The girls loved it. It was a great experience for them and I'm glad we got to go! (We traveled by plane, of course.)

Here are some pictures I've been taking from the air while traveling.
One of the past times I was in Bethel I saw a State Trooper truck at the airport!
Also, a dog came inside a restaurant where I was eating! They chased it around until it finally left. 
If you ever come to rural Alaska, you might think about bringing some food with you...this is a little less than 3 pounds of meat for $56.40!!!!!!
I ordered a book from Shutterfly with many of my pictures from Alaska. I showed my kids and they couldn't believe someone wrote a book with pictures of them in it! We talked about who the author might be. They caught on quickly. :)
As a reward a few weeks ago I let my class roller blade! They were begging me for a long time and they earned it. I don't have any pictures because I was busy helping students find the correct size and making sure no one got hurt. We ended up with one injury, but nothing that an ice pack couldn't fix.

Here are some classroom pictures from this week. We are making Frankenstein!
My class LOVES Junie B. Jones books. When I was in Anchorage I went to a thrift store and they had a bunch of chapter books! I picked up about 10 and brought them back for our classroom library.
We got a new dog in Pennsylvania! His name is Porter. I can't wait to meet him!
I'm heading to Anchorage for Thanksgiving. I will be with my roommate from last year, Liz, and her family! It's only about 5 weeks away, hopefully it will come fast! I can't believe Halloween is next week! We are busy planning our school's haunted house and Halloween Carnival. It's a lot of work!! I told my class we would have a small party and watch Hotel Transylvania. I also bought games when I was in Anchorage for us to play. It should be fun. I'll post more pictures after Halloween! :)

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